Meet the Makers

Thank you for supporting us to live our best lives! 



My name is Willow. My mother was a superfine merino and my father was the neighbours non-descript crossbred who jumped the fence. My mother abandoned my sister and I at birth and my sister died soon after. I was rescued by Silver Cedar and had to be tube fed for 12 hours before it looked like I might pull through. I had a few more health hurdles to overcome but with lots of love and cuddles I made it! 



Bow & Arrow

Our names are Bow & Arrow, we are English Leicesters.  We were born on a petting farm in Victoria and love a good scratch. Being wethers we were excess to requirements and shipped off for sale. Silver Cedar welcomed us to a new home where we can live out our days and produce beautiful long locks.


My name is Jack and I will do anything for a weetbix. Anything. I am a Border Leicester and won 1st place in the coloured section at the Hawksbury show. I was bought for my lovely chocolate and ash colours but grew too big! I now have a home at Silver Cedar and several Border Leicester mates to make adorable coloured fluff balls with. 
The Coffee Club
Espresso, Latte and Piccolo.
We are a delightful Corriedale cross with rich chocolate fleece. As wethers in a small breeding flock we were not providing much return on investment in terms of lambs and were shipped off. Our middle ground is Espresso, he is average Joe sheep. Latte, who looks more like a dog than a sheep half the time, wants to be mans best friend but just... can't... quite... bring himself to do it. Piccolo, with the spot on his nose, is the canary in the coal mine. If anything is going wrong he will be involved first and needs a bit of extra love and care. Scared of his own shadow at the best of times no cuddles are forthcoming any time soon. 
The Harden Crew
We are adorable, highly food motivated and if we time it right can manage to get at least two heads in one small bucket of pellets... magic! Two of us (Teddy & Elvis) are quite unique being an English Leicester and Drysdale cross. Lonestar is our full English Leicester brother (i.e. not as much of a powder puff) but equally fun, cuddly and of course hungry!
The Mexican Cartel

We are the result of 40 years breeding for length, handle and good spinning/felting by a Victorian fibre artist. We have Corriedale (Clover Hills), Border Leicester and Finnish Landrace bloodlines giving our wool softness and lustre. We grew up over-looking Warrnambool Bay but due to a need to downsize that could not be avoided Silver Cedar drove 1,800kms to collect us with a promise to keep us together and continue our breeding for beautiful spinning wool. 

Rosco & Baxter
We were born alongside Bow & Arrow and shipped off at the same time... to Wellington NSW. We explored around there for a year then our paths crossed with Silver Cedar and we joined our brothers from another mother. 
I am a purebred Shropshire ewe purchased from a stud by a local breeder. I lost twin lambs early in my first pregnancy and it was discovered that I have a very small pelvis and I'm not suitable as stud ewe. I have come to Silver Cedar to be part of the fibre family without any requirement to add to it and will keep the lambs company during joining seasons. I have settled in well and understand the blue bucket means treats! Everyone keeps a close eye on me though as being a little food motivated, I was rushing to get some treats and an obstacle I was trying to jump tripped me over and when I came to a stop the world was upside down. The sky was under my feet, the ground was under my head and the humans were staring at me. 
I am a superfine merino, after my first shearing I wasn't sent back into the paddock with my friends and instead I was put on a truck and taken to another property for a few weeks. The truck came again and everyone was running onto it but I was picked up and put over the fence. I then went into a small trailer and now I have made new friends and some look just like me!
2023 Drop
We have arrived and we are full of energy! 
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